He’s Still Open, Former FC Cincinnati Defender Justin Hoyte Visits CST

On this week’s show, we catch up with former FC Cincinnati and Arsenal defender Justin Hoyte to confirm whether or not he’s still open down in Miami. Get downloading!
Photo Credit: Jeremy Miller @cincypixels

Highlights from this week’s show.
On this week’s show, Bryan, Brad and Jeff catch up with former FC Cincinnati legend, Justin Hoyte. Justin made the move to Miami Beach CF in the 2020 offseason after three seasons with the Orange and Blue. It was great to catch up with Justin to hear how life is treating him in South Florida and the fond memories he has of the Queen City.
FC Cincinnati has yet to play a home match in 2020 but the ticketing process for 2021 and the West End Stadium starts tomorrow.
We wrapped the show by talking about the things we would give up if it meant being able to watch live soccer again at Nippert Stadium this season.
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