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Some Basic FAQs
1) This is a BETA – CST plans on acquiring data weekly for the 2021 season and providing reports as the season progresses. Our desire is to help fans understand the game and view player impacts in various measures.
2) Users can select multiple checkboxes by holding down the “CTL” button and selecting multiple data points.
3) This is a labor of love in which CST is attempting to merge data from multiple sources and provide FCC & MLS Fan base access to data and see the results in a unique format.
4) This is a work in progress – merging data is difficult because numerous sources do not track players’ data the same way, so there can be variations. For example – one source includes all data for the MLS year including playoff, another data source only has the regular season, and another source has only regular-season minus “The MLS is Back”. So minutes vary — feel free to point out the difference but this is a reason why. Some sites only provide only the total data for a player traded (ex. Alashe data contains all FCC stats and Columbus) again making it difficult
5) Players traded within MLS can show up on multiple team reports when selecting only a single team. Alashe and Manneh are examples. We are currently attempting to resolve this issue
6) Data that is acquired is a year-to-date tally – currently, there is not a plan to track players’ data from a week to week aspect. Although this is a long-term desire the work involved to get to that point is not easily achieved. It is a stretch goal for the 2022 season.
7) Enjoy!! CST will continue to push the growth of the best soccer coverage possible and this is another aspect.