Highlights from this week’s show.
The playoff run ends but not before FCC inspired and lifted spirits in Cincinnati. We hit the highlights of the match. Introduce a new co-host to the CST team and jump into some tough roster decisions FC Cincinnati needs to make in the next couple of days. We have already seen one player say goodbye in Allan Cruz. Tune into this close of the 2022 season and the opening of the offseason.
Big thanks to Apollo Home who joined the CST team as a long-term sponsor. If you use Apollo for their many home products, please say you are a CST listener and they will waive the $79 charge it normally would cost to have a tech out to evaluate your home. Check out the banner at the top of our website or visit apollohome.com
Join us! #MLS #FCCincinnati #soccer
Our Next Live show is scheduled for Nov 21st at Grainworks Brewery. Save the date! as we play on joining AO Cincy for a World Cup Special.
Cincinnati Soccer Talk is supported by Suerox. If you’re looking for a great zero-calorie drink, we love it and use it. Amazon link here
Suerox is now in stores! Spotted at our local Jungle Jim’s You can also now buy it at https://www.suerox.us/ with a discount via code CST2022
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As always we’d love your feedback about our podcast! You can email the show at feedback@cincinnatisoccertalk.com. We’d love for you to join us on our Facebook page as well! Like us at Facebook.com/CincinnatiSoccerTalk.
The show’s RSS feed is https://cincinnatisoccertalk.libsyn.com/rss