CST Happy Hour

On this week’s show we discuss MLS and the suspended season. Plus we answer great questions from our live audience on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

Highlights from this week’s show.
On this week’s show we do our best to discuss soccer. Boston, Brad and I try to lift everyone’s spirits by answering your soccer questions.
Also, we want to know from you, what should we do next week to celebrate our 200th episode of CST? Shoot us an email or hit us up on Twitter/Instagram.
Did you know? Coach Brad Gough has a new podcast! Check out Talking Tactics with Coach Gough! It’s currently available on Stitcher and Spotify and should be available in Apple Podcasts sometime this week. If you want to subscribe manually to the podcast, you can subscribe with the following link: https://fcctactalk.libsyn.com/rss
Join the 2020 Growler Cup Today
If you’d like to join the Growler Cup, become a $5 supporter of the show today at cincinnatisoccertalk.com/support
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Subscribe to Cincinnati Soccer Talk
Don’t forget you can now download and subscribe to Cincinnati Soccer Talk on iTunes today! The podcast can also be found on Stitcher Smart Radio now. We’re also available in the Google Play Store and NOW ON SPOTIFY!
As always we’d love your feedback about our podcast! You can email the show at feedback@cincinnatisoccertalk.com. We’d love for you to join us on our Facebook page as well! Like us at Facebook.com/CincinnatiSoccerTalk.
The show’s RSS feed is https://cincinnatisoccertalk.libsyn.com/rss