Jersey Swap

S9 E23 Jersey Swap – A Talking Tactics Mashup with Coach Gough!

The off-week between the All-Star Break and the Leagues Cup makes it the perfect time to reset and recover, but what if we brought our two podcasters into the same room to record? Geoff and Coach Gough from our Talking Tactics podcast took some time to pull off a mashup of Talking Tactics and Jersey Swap, recording in the newest “Mod Men” suite provided by Retro Retreats.

What do our experts think about the newest addition in center-back Chidozie Awaziem? How would they say the past half-season has gone? What are we to expect out of the upcoming Leagues Cup and MLS Cup playoffs? Tune in, talk tactics, and trade threads with us! #MLS #FCCincinnati #soccer

(Please pardon the rough recording, as the audio equipment also decided to take a siesta this week!)

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