I don’t know if this will find its way to anyone on FC Cincinnati. But I wanted to take time to write another letter because, mainly, I’m not done supporting this particular squad yet!
I’m gonna be selfish here. I know that it has been a tremendously long season with many highs and lows. But through all of this and just as we say in the Bailey, “I just can’t get enough”. I’m not ready to take a break from you FC Cincinnati.
You have mattered too much to the city to be done just yet! Yeah, things haven’t been perfect, but you guys haven’t worked your butts off to end your season in Tampa Bay.
I’m sure many of you haven’t lived in the city for a long duration, so let me fill you in a bit. In Cincinnati, we never get to see our team win in the postseason. That is why your US Open Cup run was bittersweet. But, here’s the thing. This squad is special. You kick ass and you deserve to have glory heaped on you with one more cup run.
It’s time to win gentlemen!
People are calling you the underdog tonight. You aren’t! You are the best friggin team we have seen in a while and you will show the Rowdies who is the boss.
Go out in our colors tonight and represent Cincinnati proud. Hustle and fight for YOUR fans & YOUR city. Whatever happens, we are behind you, but remember:
-FC Cincinnati Supporters
@bryanweigel for @CincySoccerTalk
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