We’re excited to welcome Cincinnati native and US Women’s National Team member Rose Lavelle to the podcast this week. We also can’t avoid the biting scandal involving Djiby…..
This week’s episode is brought to you by the Cincinnati Dutch Lions FC. Learn more about the Dutch Lions at cdlfc.com.
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Highlights from this week’s show.
Bill, Bryan, Griffin and I recap the weekend’s festivities against Louisville and talk about the difficult homestand. FC Cincinnati took 5 points out of 9 in two games they had men sent off with red cards. That’s a win in our book.
The one and only Rose Lavelle, a.k.a. the Nutmeg Duchess joined us on the podcast this week. Rose was an All-Big Ten midfielder at Wisconsin. She’s a Cincinnati native and Mount Notre Dame graduate. She was the #1 overall pick by the Boston Breakers in the 2017 NWSL College Draft. She also recently earned her first cap playing with the US Women’s National Team where she’s quickly becoming a fan favorite.
We did our best to avoid the subject but we finally take a bite at the Djiby ordeal… too soon? We all think the accusations are pretty ludicrous.
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